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Description of methods of fitting tips


Prepare and Install Each Coupling/Pipe Section
Approach the pre-soldering part of the job in small sections. Each section comprises one piece of pipe and one equal coupling. Consider each section is in four parts. Cut your pipe to the right length. Sand all areas that need cleaning--both the pipe end and the inside of the coupling. Apply soldering paste to all sanded areas.
Solder Each Coupling One by One
Begin to solder. It's very easy to miss soldering a coupling, especially if you have just prepared and connected a large number of them, so work methodically. Start at the very first coupling that you installed and prepared, and solder that one. Move to its neighbor, and then the next, and so on until all couplings are soldered.
Heat Both the Front and Back of Each Coupling
Always solder both ends of equal coupling at the same time, never separately. Don't forget to heat both the back of the coupling, as well as the front to help equal heat distribution and make the flux fully melt.
Remain Aware of the Flame
Remain aware at all times of where the flame is in proximity to flammable objects; it's always good to invest in some heat-resistant cloth to place behind the equal coupling to ease the possibility of a fire starting. Many houses have caught fire because the natural focus is on the coupling and not the surrounding area.